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Looking To File Divorce? Secure Trusted Legal Representation

Sanford, NC Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Process in Sanford, NC

Divorce is a difficult time for many people and can be emotionally draining, even under the best of circumstances. A Sanford family lawyer from the firm can help you prevent your divorce from ruining your future and causing further damage to your family. Our attorneys at Post | Foushee | Gordon – Trial Lawyers will fight for your rights when it comes to equitable distribution of the marriage assets, spousal support and child custody and support.

Divorce can be a new beginning with hope for the future when handled professionally by the firm. Call our knowledgeable attorneys today at (919) 775-5616 to schedule your consultation.

Filing for divorce in Lee County, Harnett County, Chatham County or Moore County?

The court always prefers and encourages the parties in the divorce to work out the agreements of property distribution, child custody and support between themselves. If the parties are unable to come to an agreement, the court will intervene and make the decisions for you. It is to your advantage to avoid this, and the firm will work with your spouse's legal representative in an effort to resolve the disagreements before a trial is necessary.

In cases in which the other party will not compromise or is making unreasonable demands, litigation is the only option. This may include instances of domestic violence or other significant wrongdoing. You need to have confidence that you are represented by a top quality divorce attorney with extensive trial experience, as is offered at our firm. You can feel confident that your best interests and your objectives in the divorce will be our firm's priority.

The attorneys at our firm have the experience and proven record that you want when a divorce is the only option. We understand the stress that a divorce brings to the family and we know how to deal with the conflicts that frequently arise when negotiating issues such as child custody and support. We are compassionate while still maintaining the aggressive stance sometimes needed in a contentious divorce. Your rights will be protected.

If you are divorcing, act now to secure trusted and aggressive legal representation. Contact a Sanford divorce lawyer at our firm today.

Why Hire Our Firm

  • Experienced Trial Attorneys

    We have over 70 years of experience helping clients in all types of legal matters.

  • Highly Recommended

    Our legal team is highly recommended by previous clients - be our next recommendation!

  • Full-Service Litigation Firm

    You can have confidence that we are fully equipped to handle the many details of your case.